AMRUTHA GHALIGE (ಅಮೃತ ಘಳಿಗೆ) (U) KANNADA FILM . Rating 4* – Nominated as “Best Art Film” by Times Kannada Film Award 2018.
A unique visual poetry in the beautiful scenic Malnad .
Written & Director: Ashok K Kadaba, ಅಶೋಕ್ ಕಡಬ
Producer: Rajashekar S N
Artist Name: S.N.Rajshekar, Neethu, Samhitha, Vinaya, Dattatreya , Padmavasanthi, Shrungeri Ramanna
Singers: Priya Yadav, Govind Karnool
Crew members: Gubbi Shivakumar, Rajesh Bramhavar
DOP: Arun Kumar
Music Director: Karthik Venkatesh
Lyrics: Karthik Venkatesh
Music Label: Lahari Music
Stills: Premraj K K
A scintillating tale of relationships, misunderstandings, expectations, old rituals, extending our generations and lot more…. Probably you have seen all this in many movies, in many dialects and many forms …but what’s so new and exhilarating .. the brilliant portrayal of human emotions and its unsatisfactory needs from others…..well it’s a journey that you will envisage in this movies, what we have witnessed in our lives in bits and pieces and at the end you will be left to ponder is life a sum of expectations buried by the feeling of what’s right and wrong…
Music : Karthik Venkatesh.
Brief about the Director. Ashok K Kadaba.
Review :
2 friends the best of buddies …..Kelabailu Ramakrishniah and Seetharamaiah Bhatt do everything together… going to school…dreaming of wealth, prosperity and being for each other in all sad and happy moments. Life goes on … they work for livelihood, find suitable alliances and marry and are like 2 happy families leading peaceful village life….
Kelabailu Ramakrishniah and his wife and Seetharamaiah and his wife are like the 2 best families… which every villager envy’s….and to extend their bond , Kelabailu Ramakrishniah decides to get his son Abhishek Athreya married to Seetharamaiah’s daughter Dakshayan even when they are too small to understand the meaning of marriage.
The village livelihood does not fulfill the dreams of bug house, lavish life of Kelabailu Ramakrishniah and he decides to move to city after few years to chase the eternal dream. Seetharamaiah is content with his life in village and life goes on… but the promise of getting their kids married stays.
Meanwhile Abhishek falls in love with an Orphan girl named Amrutha and promises to give her the family life which she always longed for and they eventually marry much against the wishes of his father Kelabailu Ramakrishniah who cannot accept that fact that his son has gone against his wishes and he cannot fulfill the promise of getting his son married to his best friends daughter….he decides to part with his son and is not in talking terms with both his son and daughter in law.
Kelabailu Ramakrishniah cannot withstand this agony and his health deteriorates and he dies. Abhishek is shattered with his father’s death and to add to his agony, Amrutha is detected with brain tumor and she too dies….. Meanwhile Seetharamaiah’s gets his daughter Dakshyani married to Lambodara from a neighboring village the typical male chauvinist. Dakshyani does not have a blissful marriage and is tortoured by her mother in law and husband for not conceiving even after 3 years of marriage. So finally Lambodara sends Dakshyani to her father’s place and marries other woman.
Abhishek who is distraught with fathers and wife death …comes for some peace to his native village and stays for some days with Seetharamaiah. Seeing the Abhisheks attitude and his daughter condition, Seetharamaiah asks Abhishek to marry his daughter, thus giving peace to Abhisheks father’s soul and also to resettle both of them.
Eventually they marry and have a girl child and are happy……while Lambodara turns out to be impotent the cause for his second wife to leave him.
Lambodara realizes that Dakshyani was good and he starts loving her and returns back to Daskhyani…… where the twist and turn starts…….
Well if you would like to witness this brilliance ….watch ….the move ARUTHA GHALIGE
കർണാടകത്തിന്റെ ഗ്രാമ ഭംഗിയും അവിടുത്തെ നിഷ്കളങ്കരായ ഗ്രാമീണരും എന്നാൽ ചിലരുടെ മാർക്കട മുഷ്ടി സ്വഭാവവും നല്ലപോലെ , വേണ്ട രീതിയിൽ കോർത്ത ഇണക്കിയ ഒരു കഥ.. അതാണ് അമൃത ഗാലിഗേ (Amrutha Ghalige ) . ഒരു സമ്മാനത്തിന്റെയും സ്ഥാന മാനങ്ങൾക്കും പിന്നാലെ പോകാതെ നിരവധി സമ്മാനങ്ങൾ , വാരിക്കൂട്ടുന്ന സിനിമ Amrutha Khalige .. ഇപ്പോഴും ഉജ്വലമായി മുന്നേറുന്നു . ഇതിന്റെ കഥയും അവതരണ മികവും, ഗാനങ്ങളും തന്നെയാണ് ഈ സിനിമയെ മികച്ചത് ആക്കുന്നത്
ഈ സിനിമ നേടിയെടുത്തു “Best parallel Cinema of ദി Year 2018 -19 . .
Dattanna – Senior Artist Commenting about the Film
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Super…. Audio coming soon… I work this Film as a Maykup man and please any refer me other Maykup work…
Sure.. I will let u know. All the very best
Super!. Wish u all the best.
Yes good songs. Good story