The film is about Krishna(Kris)
Cast : Raj Thakur, who develops depressive behavior following a series of unfortunate incidents making him withdraw from his friends, family, and college. His best friend Madhu (played by Shweta Bist) and mother(played by Ashwini Ekbote) try their best to reason him out of it but to no avail. His confrontational Uncle(played by Dr.Sanjeev Kumar Patil) tries his best too, but it is up to Kris to realise that all the answers he seeks lie within himself.
Writer and Director: Dr. Nitin Mahajan
Cinematography: Indranil Nukte
Sound design: Mahesh Limaye
Editor: Sandeep Kharat
Featuring: Raj Thakur, Shweta Bist, Dr. Sanjeevkumar Patil, Late Ashwini Ekbote, Radhika Deshmukh.
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