Kathale Kone – Kannada Film – Rating 2.5 *

Kannada Film “Kathale Kone”

Director : Sandesh Shetty Ajri

Producer : Tasmay Productions

Music : Arun Raaj

Starring: Sandesh Shetty Ajri, Hanika Rao

Photo Orbit Media Rating 2.5* / 5


Katthale kone is a suspicious movie which have a taste of horror, comedy, romance and mystery, it is a double screen movie which concludes and reveals a suspense which is unexpected and shocking. Mainly based on a  real story of a student who has a dream to become soldier, who turned as a psycho. This movie gives clear picture about how that student became drug addict and how the society and environment became the main reason for spoiled student life. This story contains about the present situation of journalism and journalist. This movie gives clear picture of all reporters work hard to strive success with difficulties in jungles at night in knowing the fact and truth about Katthale kone .


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