Story – Screenplay – Direction Prajwal Karpe
Presented by Dream Creation
Music Manjunath Shetty & Rupesh Shetty
Co – Direction Shiral Rai & Shubham Bajaal
DOP Thilak Raj & Pankaj
Editing Roopesh Shetty & Tejesh Gatti
Starring: Subhramanya Pai, BC Road , Dr. Kasargod Ashok Kumar Chirag Kundapura Nithin Bhandari Pradeep Pai Priyanka Kavya GP Shubham Bajaal Shyam Prakash Prajwal Karpe
————————– Review by Filmgappa —————–
Mouna Matadaga : Silent Short Film
Review by www.filmgappa.com
Recently we came across a Short Film called Mouna Matadaga.
This short movie is in the category of “Silent Short film”, so language doesn’t matter. It is focused on the Humanity and Love , especially with GIVE HELP to the needy and TAKE HELP from who have more in our society. It is a co-incident who HELP and the same person in need of help some other time, and unexpected meet. When the life is short and world is small, this kind of “Miracle Meet” happen.
We can say it is a story of two people, one who is mentally unstable (Initially) and a mentally stable person. A hugger belly doesn’t bother about the manners, when this same person mentally ill ? more difficult Say. Another man one who is mentally stable with lots of humanity and love, understand the situation and organize to provide FOOD and CARE. The time lapse… Another day the second person is in trouble , Humanity again arise like sun rays.
Its an AGE OLD story of a needy and Humanity.. Before the SUNSET every human being must understand the value of HELP and LOVE , come out from the darkness of EGO and Selfish. Here no villain, we can call the “circumstance “ is the Villan or Hero.
The story is little predictable as we have already read the stories built around this concept. However, with the limitations of short films, the effort is worth an applause. And the way of presentation is appreciable. This Short Movie made in “Black and White” format, so we may have to consider these Good Hearted people’s vision is colorful.
Both The actors – presented a natural acting skills, communicated effectively through his eyes and movement. Of course , the supporting artists done their role well. Cinematography and music (BGM) could have been little perfect.
It is a very good effort and attempt to highlight a HUMANITY and LOVE
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